What You Need To Know About Your Pool Before and After It Rains
Summer is the perfect time to enjoy your pool, whether you're hosting a party or swimming solo. In Georgia, summer offers an ideal opportunity for pool enjoyment, but it’s crucial to prepare for unexpected Georgia thunderstorms to maintain a clean, healthy swimming environment. So, how does rain affect pool chemistry? It can dilute chlorine, shift pH levels, and introduce debris, all of which impact the water’s health. While light rain might not change much, heavy downpours of 1 to 3 inches can throw off your pool's chemistry.
To keep your pool clean and ready for fun, it’s essential to prepare before the storm and handle maintenance afterward. Here’s how to protect your pool from the effects of summer rain!
The Ideal State for Pool Water Before Rain
Maintaining proper pH and chlorine levels is key to keeping your pool water healthy and safe. Here’s what you need to know:
- The ideal pH for pool water is around 7.5, which matches the pH of your eyes, nose, and skin. This prevents irritation, like red eyes and itchy skin, while also protecting swimsuits and pool surfaces from damage.
- Chlorine is essential for keeping your pool clean by eliminating bacteria, algae, and debris. Low free chlorine levels can cause cloudy water and may require shocking to restore balance.
So, how does rain affect pool chemistry? Rain can dilute chlorine, disrupt pH levels, and introduce contaminants, making regular testing and adjustments essential after a storm. By paying attention to these levels, your pool will remain clean, safe, and ready for a swim.
The Impact of Rainwater on Pool Water
A small amount of rain won’t impact your pool much, but heavy storms with 1 to 3 inches of rain can significantly affect water quality. Here's what to know:
- Pool Size Matters: The larger the pool, the less impact rain will have, but 1 to 3 inches is a general threshold for noticeable effects.
- Acidic Rainwater: Rainwater has a lower pH than pool water and can lower your pool’s pH, disrupting its chemical balance.
- Organic Contaminants: Rain collects organic matter and algae spores from surfaces and the air, introducing debris and algae to your pool.
Proper maintenance before and after heavy rain is crucial to keeping your pool clean and balanced.
Preparing Your Pool for a Storm
When a storm with heavy rain and strong winds is expected, take these steps to protect your pool and surrounding area:
- Secure Loose Items:
- Remove lawn furniture, pool toys, maintenance equipment, grills, potted plants, and yard decorations to a shed or garage.
- Prevent items from blowing into the pool, which can cause damage and introduce debris.
- Protect Pool Equipment:
- Shut off electric and gas lines connected to the pool.
- Turn off the pool pump and ensure timers won’t restart it during the storm.
- Cover the pool pump and gas water heater to shield them from damage.
- Adjust Water Levels:
- Lower pool water by up to one foot to prepare for heavy rain, but don’t lower it further to avoid hydrostatic pressure issues.
- Prevent Algae Growth:
- Add an algaecide to the water before the storm to reduce the risk of algae blooms after the rain clears.
Proper preparation minimizes damage, keeps debris out of your pool, and helps maintain water quality during and after the storm.

Balancing Pool Chemistry After Rain
Once your pool water is clean, it’s important to test and balance the chemical levels. Rainwater can lower pH and alkalinity, and as free chlorine works to fight organic debris, its levels can drop. This is how rain affects pool chemistry, potentially leaving your water unbalanced.
If you’re unsure how to test or adjust your pool’s chemical levels, The Pool Butler is here to help. We can test, balance, and even set up a maintenance plan to keep your pool clean and healthy all season.
Keep Your Pool Storm Ready with The Pool Butler
Don’t let heavy rain ruin your pool season. Stay ahead of the weather with proper preparation and post-storm care. Secure loose items, monitor pH and chlorine levels, and clean up promptly for a safe and enjoyable swim.
Ready to make pool care easy? Let the experts handle it! Contact us today for professional maintenance and hassle-free pool management. Enjoy a clean, healthy pool all summer long without the stress!