Many swimming pool owners find it is easier and less labor intensive to hire a pool service contractor than to do all the work themselves. It may even be less expensive to work with an Atlanta swimming pool service contractor from The Pool Butler. Your pool service technician can provide pool service and maintenance duties to keep the water clean, clear, and bacteria-free. They will also make certain your pool equipment is in good operating condition. Hiring a swimming pool service contractor is an ideal decision for many pool owners. However, there will still be the need for the pool owner to undertake some maintenance. Here are some springtime tips for swimming pool maintenance tasks between service visits.
Checking Water Balance Between Service Visits
It’s always a good idea to check the water balance between service visits. This could be a simple strip test to check for free chlorine, pH, and alkalinity. If the water balance seems to be out of line, contact The Pool Butler. They can pay an additional service visit to help get your water back in balance. You can also ask your technician what you should do to get your pool water back in balance.
Maintaining the chemical balance in the water may not be extremely difficult, but it is a delicate balancing act. It is crucial that the pool has enough sanitizer to prevent algae from growing. The alkalinity, calcium hardness, and pH also need to be kept in balance. If the chemicals are in balance, the testing and checking should take less than 30 minutes. If they are not in balance, you can add chlorine, pH riser, or pH decreaser as necessary. And of course, you can always rely on your Pool Butler swimming pool technician for guidance and assistance.

Pool Filter & Skimmer Basket
Check the pool filter and skimmer basket between service visits to assure it’s free of debris. A clear skimmer basket allows your pool water to circulate freely. As we’ve highlighted in other posts, maintaining your pool’s circulatory system is vital to its health. Water must be able to freely flow from your pool to your pump and back into the pool to keep the water clean. If any part of the system is blocked, your pool water will suffer. A clogged skimmer basket is a common impediment to proper circulation.
Depending on the amount of dirt, debris, and leaves that fall into your pool, your filter will also need to be cleaned at least once a month. However, if your pool is free of debris and you use a cover whenever you aren’t swimming, you could go as long as a year. Your Pool Butler technician can help you determine when to change the filter.
Drops In Water Level
A slight decrease in the pool’s water level is normal. However, make a note of any significant drops in water levels. A substantial drop in water level in a short time could be a sign of serious problems.
A pool cover is a great way to save time and money. Using a pool cover will cut back on the amount of water lost to evaporation. So you will spend less money refilling your pool. A cover will also keep the pool water warmer, saving you on heating costs. Finally, a pool cover is an easy way to cut down on cleaning time. The cover will keep out most large debris, saving you time and labor skimming and vacuuming.
Overfilling the swimming pool is never a good idea. You can throw the chemicals out of balance if you overfill the pool. It will make all of the pool equipment work harder. But don’t ignore dropping water levels. You may leak if the pool water levels appear to be dipping quickly.
Check for wet spots around the pool if you think you have a leak.
Sometimes water that leaks from an underground pipe can cause a wet spot in the ground. If you find a wet spot, give The Pool Butler a call. If you don’t see any external signs of a leak, you should still let us know about the water level drop. We will check for leaks or other problems on our next visit.
Filter Run Times
Check your filter run times. Residential pools filters should run between six and eight hours a day, but ask us to be certain. If your filter is too small for your pool, you may have to run your filter longer. You will also have to run the filter longer if your pool is unusually dirty. After a period of heavy use—for example, a large pool party—it is a good idea to run the filter for a few hours extra. Your filter is your second line of defense against algae and bacteria, right after the chlorine.
If the free chlorine level in your pool is between 1 ppm and 4 ppm and the water still seems cloudy, it could be your filter. Try increasing your filter run time to see if the water gets clearer. You may also want to check your filter to see if it needs cleaning. And if you haven’t backwashed your filter in a while, check its pressure gauge. If the pressure is 8-10 psi over its base pressure (the pressure after a cleaning), it is time to backwash.
Q: How can I check the water balance in my swimming pool between service visits?
A: To check the water balance in your swimming pool between service visits, you can perform a simple strip test to measure the levels of free chlorine, pH, and alkalinity. If you notice any imbalance, it is recommended to contact The Pool Butler for assistance. They can provide an additional service visit to help you bring your pool water back in balance. You can also consult with your pool service technician to learn what steps you can take to restore the water balance.
Q: Why is it important to check the pool filter and skimmer basket between service visits?
A: It is important to check the pool filter and skimmer basket between service visits to ensure they are free of debris. A clear skimmer basket allows proper circulation of pool water, which is vital for maintaining the overall health of your pool. If the skimmer basket or filter is clogged, it can impede water flow and affect the cleanliness of the pool. Regularly inspecting and cleaning these components helps to prevent circulation issues and keeps the pool water clean.
Q: What should I do if I notice a significant drop in my pool's water level?
A: If you notice a significant drop in your pool's water level within a short period, it could indicate a potential problem. It is advisable to take note of such occurrences. While a slight decrease in water level is normal, a substantial drop may be a sign of a leak or other issues. Check around the pool for wet spots, which could indicate an underground pipe leak. If you find any signs of a leak or observe a rapid water level decrease, it is recommended to contact The Pool Butler for further assistance and investigation.

Q: How long should I run the pool filter, and when should I adjust the run times?
A: For residential pools, the filter should typically run between six and eight hours a day. However, it's best to consult with The Pool Butler to determine the ideal run times for your specific pool. If your filter is undersized for your pool or if the pool becomes unusually dirty due to factors like heavy use or environmental conditions, you may need to run the filter for a longer duration. After a period of heavy use, such as a pool party, it's beneficial to extend the filter run time for a few additional hours. Monitoring the chlorine levels and water clarity can also help determine if adjusting the filter run times is necessary.
Q: What are the benefits of using a pool cover?
A: Using a pool cover offers several benefits. Firstly, it helps to reduce water loss through evaporation, saving you money on refilling the pool. Additionally, a pool cover helps to retain heat, which can lower heating costs. Secondly, it acts as a barrier, preventing large debris from entering the pool, thereby reducing the need for skimming and vacuuming. Lastly, a pool cover can save you time and effort in cleaning and maintenance tasks. By keeping out debris and maintaining water quality, a pool cover contributes to a cleaner and more enjoyable swimming experience.
Q: How often should I clean the pool filter, and when should I backwash it?
A: The frequency of cleaning the pool filter depends on the amount of dirt, debris, and leaves that enter your pool. In general, the filter should be cleaned at least once a month. However, if your pool remains free of debris and you use a cover when not swimming, you may be able to extend the cleaning interval to around a year. It is important to consult with The Pool Butler to determine the appropriate cleaning schedule for your specific circumstances. Additionally, it is recommended to check the filter's pressure gauge regularly. If the pressure is 8-10 psi above the base pressure (pressure after cleaning), it indicates a need for backwashing.
To summarize, hiring a professional swimming pool service contractor like The Pool Butler offers numerous benefits for pool owners. However, it's important to remember that certain maintenance tasks should be performed between service visits. Here are the key tips for springtime pool maintenance:
Check water balance regularly using a strip test and contact The Pool Butler if any imbalances are detected.
Inspect and clean the pool filter and skimmer basket to ensure proper water circulation and cleanliness.
Monitor water levels and be alert to significant drops, which may indicate leaks or other issues. Contact The Pool Butler for assistance.
Determine the appropriate filter run times with the help of The Pool Butler, and adjust as needed based on pool size, cleanliness, and usage.
Consider using a pool cover to reduce water evaporation, retain heat, and minimize debris, resulting in cost savings and reduced cleaning time.
Remember to contact The Pool Butler at 770-439-2644 for more information or assistance with your swimming pool maintenance needs.