In some ways, a swimming pool is almost like a human being. It has a vital circulatory system that keeps it healthy and fresh, complete with intake and return valves. And the very heart of the pool is the pool pump. Your pool pump keeps the water flowing so that it can pass through the filter, a heater, a chlorinator, or any other components that treat the pool water. Stagnant water is a recipe for disaster. When your pump is working, it keeps your pool's water fresh and healthy. But if it fails, it won't be long before your beautiful, clear pool turns into a festering swamp. So it pays to know the signs you're in need of a swimming pool pump replacement.
Don't Wait to Call for Swimming Pool Pump Replacement
Catching problems early on is crucial. You also need to know when to call in a pool tech for backup support. But don't worry. It's not rocket science. We've got some great tips, and there's no need to open or disassemble anything to check for these telltale signs. A good pair of eyes and ears are all the hardware you need. Just keep an eye on your pool, and you'll know when to call for help and how to keep your pool from turning green.
Yes, the age of your pump is an early trouble sign. Age alone doesn't mean your pump isn't working. But if your pump is older than most cars on the road, be on the lookout. It's time to keep a close eye on your swimming pool pump and motor.
Why is age such an issue? Just like human beings, the parts in your pool won't last forever. Over time, they wear down. The assembly and components inside your pool pump and filtration system have a typical shelf life of 11-15 years. If you've reached 15 years or more, it is very likely that your pump is not working as well as it did in its younger years.
In addition, the energy efficiency of these components has come a long way in the past ten years. Modern pool pumps are built to use less energy than their predecessors. Many pumps today also come with variable speeds that can be dialed up and down to save energy. If you have an aging single-speed pool pump, you should really consider a two-speed or multiple-speed pump. Replacing your pump early, before it breaks down, may actually save you money in the long run. To learn more about pump speeds, check out our post about single speed, two speed, and variable speed pool pumps!
Your pool pump should run quietly. Nobody, especially your neighbors, wants to hear grinding or other loud noises when they are trying to relax. And how much fun is it to take a leisurely dip in your pool accompanied by a mechanical cacophony? Your pool pump shouldn't be making any noises beyond a quiet whirring sound (if even that).
Any noises that are out of character are an early warning sign that you might need a swimming pool pump replacement. Do you hear screeching or grinding? These loud pool pump and motor noises can mean bad pool motor bearings, typically due to rust.
Rust can occur inside the machine when unwanted water gets in from a leaky shaft seal. Much of the time, the rust is due to an earlier failure that caused the leak. But we also see this in the Atlanta area as a result of flooding.
Luckily, the techs at The Pool Butler can replace rusted or frozen bearings pretty quickly and inexpensively compared to the cost of a complete swimming pool pump replacement. Replacing the motor or filtration system can add up, so repairing whenever possible is your best bet. Save the noise for your stereo speakers, and call us if the pool pump starts to get loud.
Power Trip
Has your pool pump motor started to trip your electric breaker box more and more frequently? Obviously, if you are overloading the circuit, something isn't right. It may be that you simply have too many appliances on a single circuit. But if you haven't added any new items to the circuit recently and your pump is tripping the circuit when it kicks on, you may have a problem. This surge in power is usually a sign of a much larger electrical issue. Often it means that your motor is on its last legs and you will soon need a full swimming pool pump replacement.
A repair, in this case, is probably not going to be cost-effective. Replacing your pool pump or motor may instead be the best option. Always ask your local Atlanta pool repair company, however, to be sure.
Swimming Pool Pump Motor Keeps Shutting Off
If your pump motor seems to shut down after only a short time, it could mean it is becoming overheated or that it is clogged. If your pump is working correctly, the motor should run smoothly at all times.
If your pump is doing anything other than running when you want it to, something is broken. The fan and other parts of the pump could be overworked. Or they may not be working anywhere near as well as they should. This is one problem that needs to be checked out and fixed as soon as it is noticed. It's easy to notice when the pump is shutting off unexpectedly. But a proper diagnosis does require some disassembly and an inspection by a trained professional.
Don't ignore a pump that is not running smoothly. Something is seriously wrong, and it will not go away on its own. A failing pump component will only get worse, taking out other parts with it. Delaying any repairs to the pump motor will almost always result in a more considerable outlay of money in the end. You may be able to avoid a complete swimming pool pump replacement, but only if you act quickly.
Loss of Suction
Pool pumps are designed to draw in water and run it through a filter before pumping it back into the pool, clear of debris. It is the beating heart of your pool's circulatory system. But if it is not moving water efficiently, your whole pool will suffer.
The best place to check for suction is the pressure gauge on your filter. If the gauge indicator reads 10 PSI or more above its normal pressure (as measured after a cleaning), it may be time to backwash or clean your filter. But if your pressure is lower than usual, it's usually not the filter. First, check for leaks in the pool plumbing. Even a small leak can cause a significant reduction in pressure. If there are no leaks, you may either have a clogged pump or the suction motor is wearing out. Over time, your motor will wear out. This is inevitable. If you've ruled out other issues and your pump is reaching 12 or more years old, it may be time to consider swimming pool pump replacement.
When In Doubt, Call Your Swimming Pool Pump Replacement Specialists
Remember, when in doubt, always call your local pool maintenance and repair specialists. If you're in the Atlanta area, you can trust in the reliability, care, and professionalism of The Pool Butler to get the job done right the first time.
We specialize in all kinds of swimming pool maintenance—especially pool pump and motor repair. Please call 770-439-2644 for a quote or request a quote online.